This component allows adding an option where the agent must ask a question to the client and select one of the possible added responses.

It is located within the group of components called “Basics” and is only available for Agent Scripting.


Configuration #

  1. Write the question.
  2. You can add a response in the form of audio or text (Answer). You can add multiple possible responses that the customer could give.
  3. In the “Value” table, add each possible response that the customer could provide.
  4. Click to save the changes.




This component allows adding an option where the agent must ask a question to the client and select one of the possible added responses.

It is located within the group of components called “Basics” and is only available for Agent Scripting.


Configuration #

  1. Write the question.
  2. You can add a response in the form of audio or text (Answer). You can add multiple possible responses that the customer could give.
  3. In the “Value” table, add each possible response that the customer could provide.
  4. Click to save the changes.




This component allows adding an option where the agent must ask a question to the client and select one of the possible added responses.

It is located within the group of components called “Basics” and is only available for Agent Scripting.


Configuration #

  1. Write the question.
  2. You can add a response in the form of audio or text (Answer). You can add multiple possible responses that the customer could give.
  3. In the “Value” table, add each possible response that the customer could provide.
  4. Click to save the changes.